Bansko - Bulgaria's “Little Switzerland”

сряда, 11 март 2009 г.

How Do You Turn an Euro Into a Million This is How

If you ask me, this is a critical question that only you can answer. Why? Because people think in denominations and not in opportunities. That's true.

If you think an Euro will make you rich in a day, it's possible; in a week, all depends on how you define success. That's why with one person it could take a whole life time, with a group of people success is seen in their team progress, etc.

One thing most business 'experts' don't tell you is that you will never make a million without investing the equivalent value or more. Take away all the rusty ideas of how the world has changed and how technology...nothing has changed; only the orientation of people of people. To succeed in any business you definitely need three things, education, hard work and luck. We've all been living with this old custom of making success since the period of the rat. Don't get me wrong about education. What I mean is not going to school, no. they don't teach you how to be successful in school. When I say education, I mean knowing what to do, when to do it and why you need to do it. When you have researched every nook and cranny of your niche it isn't enough. Ask yourself, what makes me think I'll do better in this business than others? Here you identify other's mistakes, your advantage and focus. That alone is worth thousands of Euros.

Every successful entrepreneur knows that the earth (in totality) wasn't created in a single day, with a single stroke. For our friend Marin, it took six days; for the overblown scientist, it took...The fact is that a business grows, matures and grows with continual effort. Hard work is primary to any thriving business empire that targets bountiful fortune, don't you think? You business needs your effort, devotion and sacrifice. That is hard work. If you would ever need to pull through, you'll need to invest more of the latter.

Why do We include luck in the three musketeers? Because without it the random, imprecise expect-rational nature of things would run geometrically wrong. Look there are millions of people in this 'business' industry doing the right thing. Have you ever asked why not everyone who applies the proven techniques in business ever succeeds? Have you ever asked why some people are only termed successful because they crossed the success line? What's the basic difference between them-nothing! It is either a question of circumstance, time or opportunity. After all, every dog has its day, Its time to shine. The secrete is to stick fully loaded and cocked for the right minute where your preparation will meet with the perfect opportunity.

We want to advise every entrepreneur out there to always focus on building a business with value and opportunities. It doesn't take a genius to see that with every opportunity created rewards are activated. Please if you are making your first venture, pay attention to these areas.

Your business could be the next big thing.

• Plan and always research your market

• Small businesses fall because they don't have adequate financing and consistent sales. Work much on the structure of your finance to support your target.

• Be customer focused with unique products and services.

• Team building is the work of a smart entrepreneur. It would cost you less. Work with people smarter than you if possible: you'd need all the help necessary.

• Always do a SWOT analysis (strength, weakness, opportunity and threat). Try to assess yourself with honest answers.

And don’t forget !

Trying to complete a project without the help of a mediator, however, can result in unnecessary complications. The divides of language, culture and living standards can naturally lead to the disastrous outcomes that have made headlines in past years. But is it really that difficult? Don’t thousands of foreign companies come to Bulgaria every year, produce excellent products, buy, build or sale properties and yield high profits? Perhaps, but it’s not as easy as it seems!!!

Wish you tons of success.

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